
Able Wealth Management's blog on personal finance, financial planning, investing, taxes, and the behaviors and decisions that influence our actions.

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Have you sensed the growing unease rippling through your professional circles recently? It seems that every scroll through Linkedin unveils a new cohort navigating financial uncertainty. Some candidly share their job-hunting challenges, while others maintain a facade of success. Yet, beneath this veneer, their true circumstances often surface through persistent DMs seeking business opportunities or advice on weathering economic storms.

When making financial decisions, it's clear that our choices are more emotionally driven than we might expect. Hidden beneath our choices are strong mental biases that influence how we think and act. By examining three of these biases—confirmation bias, loss aversion, and mental accounting—we can see how our financial behaviors mirror wider patterns common across different cultures and economic systems.

There's a tendency in our world today to view financial decisions as a series of disconnected snapshots. We make isolated choices, focusing on the immediate impact without considering the broader narrative of our lives. This approach, though seemingly practical, is akin to viewing a tapestry thread by thread, missing the grand design that emerges only when we step back.

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