Donor Advised Funds: Your Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Donor-Advised Funds

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) are distinct philanthropic tool that allows individuals, families, or organizations to make irrevocable, tax-deductible donations to a public charity. The receiving charity, the “sponsoring organization,” holds and manages these funds.

DAFs stand out because donors maintain advisory privileges over their donations investment and distribution to other charities over time. Essentially, donors can guide the use of their donated assets, despite surrendering legal ownership. This makes DAFs an option for those who desire an active role in their philanthropic activities while gaining immediate tax advantages.

The Mechanics of Donor-Advised Funds

The workings of a Donor-Advised Fund can be broken down into several crucial steps:

  1. Contribution: The process starts with a donor’s contribution to a DAF. This contribution can be cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, or other assets. The donor can then claim an immediate tax deduction for the full fair market value of the donated assets.
  2. Investment: The sponsoring organization invests the contributed funds, allowing them to grow over time, tax-free. The donor often has the chance to guide how the funds are invested, choosing from various investment options provided by the sponsoring organization.
  3. Grant Recommendations: After the funds have been contributed and invested, the donor can recommend grants to their chosen charities. These recommendations can be made at any time and in any amount, subject to the minimums set by the sponsoring organization.
  4. Grant Distribution: The sponsoring organization reviews a grant recommendation to ensure it aligns with IRS regulations and policies. Once approved, the grant is disbursed from the DAF to the recommended charity.

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) provide donors with a tax-efficient and customizable approach to handle their charitable donations. This enables them to donate funds to the charities of their choice in a phased manner.

Case Study:

John and Sarah are a married couple with a combined annual household income of $350,000. They have been successful in their careers and are passionate about giving back to their community. They own a highly appreciated stock valued at $100,000, purchased years ago for $20,000. They are considering donating this stock to their Donor-Advised Fund (DAF).

The Scenario:

John and Sarah are in the 24% federal tax bracket, given their annual income of $350,000. They have decided to donate their highly appreciated stock, worth $100,000, to their DAF. The stock has a cost basis of $20,000, meaning they have an unrealized capital gain of $80,000 ($100,000 – $20,000).

The Tax Benefit:

By donating the stock directly to their DAF, John, and Sarah avoid paying capital gains tax on the $80,000 increase in value. If they were to sell the stock, they would have to pay a long-term capital gains tax of 15%, which would amount to $12,000 ($80,000 x 15%).

Moreover, they are eligible to take a charitable deduction on their income tax return for the full fair market value of the stock, which is $100,000. This deduction reduces their taxable income, saving them an additional $24,000 (24% of $100,000) in federal income tax.

By donating the highly appreciated stock directly to their DAF, John, and Sarah could save $36,000 in taxes ($12,000 in capital gains tax + $24,000 in income tax).

Potential Downsides of Donor-Advised Funds

  1. Limited Control: One of the main drawbacks of Donor-Advised Funds is the diminished control donors have once a donation is made. While donors can guide the use of their funds, the final decision rests with the sponsoring organization. The sponsoring organization can approve or deny the donor’s grant recommendations. Although most sponsoring organizations respect the donor’s wishes, there can be instances where a donor’s recommendation is not followed, leading to potential dissatisfaction.
  2. Fees: DAFs may also come with administrative fees. These fees cover the fund’s cost, including investment management, grant administration, and record-keeping. While these services offer convenience to the donor, they also reduce the total amount available for charitable giving. Fees vary widely among sponsoring organizations, so understanding the fee structure before setting up a DAF is crucial.
  3. Minimum Contribution Requirements: Some DAFs have minimum initial and subsequent contribution requirements, which may only suit some donors. Depending on the sponsoring organization, these minimums can range from a few thousand dollars to several million. This can exclude those who wish to contribute smaller amounts to their chosen charities.

Setting Up a Donor-Advised Fund

Establishing a Donor-Advised Fund involves several steps:

  1. Choose a Sponsoring Organization: The first step is to select a sponsoring organization. This could be a community foundation, a charitable arm of a financial institution, or a national charity. Each organization has its policies, fees, and minimum contribution requirements, so it’s important to research and choose one that aligns with your charitable goals and financial situation.
  2. Open Your Account: After selecting a sponsoring organization, you must open an account. This typically involves completing an application form, including details such as your personal information, proposed account name, and preferred investment strategy.
  3. Make Your Contribution: You can make your initial contribution after opening your account. Remember, you’ll receive an immediate tax deduction for this contribution, providing a significant financial benefit.
  4. Recommend Grants: Once your account is set up and funded, you can recommend grants to your chosen charities. You can also choose whether to make these recommendations anonymously or to have your name attached to the grant.

While setting up a Donor-Advised Fund involves some complexities and potential drawbacks, it can also provide a flexible and tax-efficient way to manage your charitable giving. As always, seeking professional advice is important to ensure that a DAF is the right choice for your circumstances.

Final Thoughts

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) have become a powerful tool for charitable giving, offering numerous benefits that make them an attractive option for many donors. Their convenience, flexibility, and tax efficiency make them a compelling choice for those wishing to impact their favorite causes significantly.While DAFs have certain drawbacks, such as limited control over donated assets, administrative fees, and minimum contribution requirements, these are often offset by their numerous advantages. The ability to receive an immediate tax deduction, the potential for the donated assets to grow tax-free, and the opportunity to recommend grants at a pace that suits the donor’s personal and financial circumstances are all significant benefits that can enhance the overall giving experience.However, DAFs are more than just a one-size-fits-all solution. They are just one of many tools available for philanthropic giving, and their suitability can vary depending on an individual’s unique financial situation, charitable goals, and giving preferences. Therefore, it’s crucial for potential donors to thoroughly research and consider all their options before deciding to set up a DAF.In conclusion, while Donor-Advised Funds may not be the right choice for everyone, they can serve as an excellent tool for many philanthropically-minded individuals, enabling them to make a meaningful difference that aligns with their financial and charitable objectives.

FAQ: Donor-Advised Funds

A Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is a type of giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support your favorite charities. It involves an irrevocable donation of cash, stocks, or other assets to a sponsoring organization like a public charity, but you maintain advisory privileges over the investment and distribution of these funds.

After making an irrevocable donation to a DAF, the donor can recommend how the funds are invested, allowing them to potentially grow over time. The donor can also advise on how much and when money is granted to their chosen charities. However, the final say rests with the sponsoring organization.

Contributions to a DAF are tax-deductible in the year they are made. Donors can take an immediate tax deduction for the full fair market value of donated assets such as stocks, real estate, and other appreciated assets. Also, the funds in a DAF can grow tax-free.

Individuals, families, and organizations can all contribute to DAFs. They offer a flexible way for a variety of donors to manage their charitable giving.


One of the main potential downsides is limited control – while donors can advise on the investment and distribution of their funds, the final decision lies with the sponsoring organization. Additionally, DAFs may also come with administrative fees, and some have minimum initial and subsequent contribution requirements.

Setting up a DAF involves choosing a sponsoring organization, opening an account, making an initial contribution, and then recommending grants to chosen charities.


Yes, one of the features of a DAF is the ability to make anonymous donations. When you recommend a grant, you can choose whether your personal information is disclosed or if the donation should be made anonymously.

Generally, donors can recommend grants to any IRS-qualified public charity. However, the final decision on whether to approve the grant recommendation rests with the sponsoring organization, which will ensure it aligns with IRS regulations and its own policies.

Yes, while it is rare, the sponsoring organization has the right to decline your grant recommendation if it doesn’t align with IRS regulations or their own policies.

No, contributions to a DAF are irrevocable. Once you’ve made the contribution, you cannot take it back.

Donor Advised Funds
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Volatility Drag

Volatility drag, often unnoticed by many investors, plays a significant role in the performance of investment portfolios, especially in markets characterized by high volatility. Understanding volatility drag is crucial for making informed investment decisions and managing long-term investment performance.

Understanding Volatility Drag

Volatility drag refers to the negative effect of investment volatility on compound returns over time. It occurs because losses have a more significant impact on portfolio value than gains of the same magnitude. For example, if an investment loses 10% one year and gains 10% the next, the investment will not return to its starting value due to the mathematical asymmetry between gains and losses. This phenomenon underscores the importance of minimizing large fluctuations in investment value to protect long-term returns.

The Mathematics Behind Volatility Drag

The mathematical principle underlying volatility drag is relatively straightforward but profound in its implications for investors. The key concept is that percentage gains and losses are not symmetrical. A 50% loss requires a 100% gain to break even, not a 50% gain. This asymmetry means that volatility (up and down movements in price) can erode the compound growth rate of an investment, even if the arithmetic mean of the returns seems healthy.

Example of Volatility Drag

Consider an investment with the following annual returns: +20%, -15%, +10%, and -5%. While the arithmetic mean of these returns might suggest a modest positive performance, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) would tell a different story, factoring in the volatility drag and showing a lower effective return than the arithmetic mean would suggest.

Implications for Investors

  • Risk Management: Understanding volatility drag emphasizes the importance of risk management strategies, such as diversification and the use of derivatives for hedging, to minimize significant downturns in portfolio value.
  • Investment Strategy: Investors might consider investment strategies that aim for steady, consistent returns over those with potentially higher but more volatile returns. Such strategies might include investing in low-volatility stocks, index funds, or using dollar-cost averaging to mitigate the impact of market fluctuations.
  • Psychological Aspects: Volatility drag also highlights the psychological challenge for investors who may overreact to short-term market movements. A long-term perspective is crucial for successful investing, as frequent trading in response to volatility can exacerbate the drag on returns.
  • Performance Evaluation: When assessing investment performance, considering both the arithmetic mean return and the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) can provide a more comprehensive view of an investment’s performance, factoring in the effect of volatility.

Financial Planning Fees

Plan Type
Sources of Income (select all that apply)
Additional Considerations
Total Fee: $0
  • Fees can be paid monthly, quarterly or semi annually
  • Actual fee will be determined on complexity and scope after an initial consultation
Investment Advisory Fees

Fee Rate: %

Annual Fee: $

  • Fee charged on a percentage-tiered rate
  • Fee based on total assets managed
  • Fee covers services such as portfolio design, continuous monitoring, rebalancing, and personalized guidance

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