Able Wealth Management

Non-Violent Communication

Healthy Financial Conversations

Financial issues are a common source of stress and conflict for many families and couples in modern life. Discussions about money can quickly escalate into heated arguments filled with blame, defensiveness, and misunderstanding. However, by applying the principles of Non-Violent Communication (NVC), it’s possible to navigate these challenging conversations more constructively.

Non-Violent Communication is a communication approach developed by psychologist Marshall Rosenberg. It focuses on empathy, compassion, and understanding as the foundation of communication. NVC is particularly effective when discussing sensitive topics like finances, as it encourages clear, empathetic conversations without blame or attack.

Observations, Not Judgments

You can begin the conversation with an observation about the financial situation rather than an accusation or judgment. “I’ve noticed that we’ve been spending more than our budget for the past few months” is less likely to trigger defensiveness than “You’re always overspending.”

Express Your Feelings

After sharing your observation, express your feelings. This shouldn’t be a hidden critique of the other person but rather, an ‘I’ statement about your emotions. “I feel worried when I see us going over budget” focuses on your concern, not blaming the other person.

Identify Your Needs

Articulate what you need in this situation, ensuring these are universal human needs, not strategies. For example, “I need a sense of security about our financial future” is a valid need, while “I need you to stop spending” is more of a strategy.

Propose Actionable Request

Lastly, propose a concrete, actionable request. For instance, “Can we have a weekly review of our budget together?” is a specific and manageable action that can be negotiated and agreed upon.


Imagine that you’ve noticed your shared bank account has been dwindling at a faster rate than usual. Instead of launching into accusations, take a moment to apply NVC:

“I’ve noticed our bank account is depleting quicker than it used to (observation). This makes me feel anxious (feelings), as I need reassurance about our financial security (needs). Can we sit down each week to review our budget and spending together (request)?”

Remember, It’s a Dialogue

A vital component of Non-Violent Communication is active listening. Encourage your partner or family member to share their feelings and needs too. Validate their emotions, even if you don’t initially agree, and work collaboratively to find a solution that meets both parties’ needs.

Patience and Practice

Mastering Non-Violent Communication (NVC) requires patience and practice. Initially, it may feel unnatural, but with time and effort, it can significantly enhance the quality of your discussions about finances and other potentially contentious topics. By expressing yourself honestly and receiving others with empathy, you create a foundation for open, constructive conversations. This approach leads to healthier relationships and a more secure financial future.

When you find yourself about to engage in a challenging money conversation, keep these steps in mind:

Using Non-Violent Communication fosters understanding and collaboration, helping you avoid conflict and frustration. By consistently applying these principles, you’ll be better equipped to navigate difficult financial discussions and build stronger, more supportive relationships.

Non-Violent Communication healthy financial conversations
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